SwiftAdapter is an easy to use expandable list recyclerview adapter
Import Using Gradle
compile 'com.vkondrav.swiftadapter:swift-adapter:0.2.0'
Extend the SwiftAdapter
private static class Adapter extends SwiftAdapter<Adapter.ViewHolder> {
Declare you main ViewHolder
public class ViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
public ViewHolder(View itemView) {
Override count method to declare how many items of that type you will have
public int getNumberOfLvl0Items() {
return 10;
Override onCreate method to create a specific type of item
public ViewHolder onCreateLvl0ItemViewHolder(ViewGroup parent) {
return new ViewHolder(layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.lvl0_item_layout, parent, false));
Override to bind data to the viewholder
public void onBindLvl0Item(ViewHolder holder, ItemIndex index) {
There are 4 Levels where the view holders can exist. Each section hosts the items and sections below it.
- Level 0 Items
- Level 1 Sections
- Level 1 Items
- Level 2 Sections
- Level 2 Items
- Level 3 Sections
- Level 3 Items
Each layer has a set of methods to construct it. By overriding these methods you can create each layer of the list
int getNumberOf_()
ViewHolder CreateViewHolder_()
void BindViewHolder_(ViewHolder holder, ItemIndex)
Open and Close each section by calling these methods and passing ItemIndex from that section.
void openCloseLvl1Section(ItemIndex itemIndex);
void openCloseLvl2Section(ItemIndex itemIndex);
void openCloseLvl3Section(ItemIndex itemIndex);
ItemIndex can always be obtained from the specific OnBind Method or by calling getCurrentItemIndex and passing the ViewHolder for that section
public ItemIndex getCurrentItemIndex(T holder)
Need Source for Android Studio Project below link
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